Winter - It's that time of the year again
Time to rug up an eat yummy warming stews and soups which are hearty and full of good root veggies.
Do you find your self catching colds frequently ?if you do you may want to think about your immune system. Our immune system works hard all year to protect you from the nasties like infections, viruses, it’s out natural defense system.. There are some diseases that we have no control over however we can help support out immune system an help stop those nasties in their tracks.
Exercise - doesn’t have to be a gym work out
Healthy Eating - fresh veggies and fruit which contain Vit C
Sleep - Insufficient sleep can leave you feeling fatigued and over time can expose to those nasties - colds, flu
Stress Management - If your body is under constant stress it can increase our susceptibility to those nasties. Find some time to recharge your batteries, sit in the winter sun, read a book, make some time for your self and enjoy what makes you happy
Hang out with friends and enjoy each others company, share your comforting and warming foods rather than hibernating this winter.
For more information on how we can help keep out those nasties this winter contact us
Yummy home made chicken soup